Free Courses for RVA Partners
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Free Courses for Everyone
Welcome to Rare Voices Australia’s (RVA) Online Education Portal!
RVA is the peak national body for Australians living with a rare disease. We provide a strong, unified voice to advocate for policy as well as health, disability and other systems that work for people living with a rare disease. Our person-centred focus sees us working with all key stakeholders including governments, key peak bodies, researchers, clinicians, and industry. We advocate for the best outcomes for Australians living with a rare disease.
The Online Education Portal forms part of RVA’s Education Program. You will find a number of open and partner only resources below. Once you have successfully completed a course, you will receive a certificate.
For more information about RVA, go to our main website. Become an RVA Partner to access locked content.
Please direct any queries about RVA’s Education Program to our Education and Advocacy Manager: [email protected]
New to the Online Education Portal? See the Quick Start Guide.
See this Quick Start Guide to help you make your way through each course when first getting started.